Saturday, April 09, 2005

Dear Life,
Once again you have bitten me in the ass.
As winter fades and spring arrives, bringing things
back to life from their long winters sleep, I sit
here numb. You know why, I do not need to explain it to you.
You know it all, the struggle...The pain..The exhaustion.
Why do I even write this, I do not know. But I am none the less.
I am writing to to bitch, to tell you how damned angry I am.
I write to wall back the emotions which are dying to
break free and cause a flood that I could not stop.
Over and over it repeats in my mind, words I do not care to hear.
A fight I am tired of fighting..I am a broken blade in the battle of life.
And I am writing this to tell you I have had enough...Leave me alone.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Death as the Sunset

Out of the myst of the mind
arises dark thoughts.
Days of past and present,
none of it matters anymore.
Reality sinks in slowly
death within living flesh.
Rotting, eating it way
devouring life minute by minute,
till it is no more.
Till light starts to fade
as violet and crimson sunsets.
Beauty at the end,
the dying light of what once was.