Well its one of thouse days. And for anyone who knows me at all, they know what im talking about. Please donot be offended of i seem a bit "off" as some call it. Because to be honest, im real fucking close right now. Im not even sure what brought it on this time. Maybe it no longer needs a reason to rear it ugly head. To my friends...thanks for sticking by my in times like this and not running for the hills like so many others do...Thank you for understand this fucked up mind...and most of all, Thank you for being just that, My Friend..
Days like those are when you really know who your friends are. All too many times when I have had a rough day or four I am dissapointed to learn that those I trusted weren't worth my trust in the first place. Hope you feel better soon.
Brett Bro we love you. Love does not chose the good parts and leave the more challenging parts behind. Love takes it all in and allows for the rough times. I know who you are and you know what I mean. I love you all not just bits and pieces of you and I know Reazy and Del feel the same. That is why we are family bro, we can love each other through the dark and ugly and as well as through the light and beautiful. Love and light Bro :X
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